Saturday, November 19, 2011

Neocate Junior Tropical/451/100 g/Box of 4 Reviews

Neocate Junior Tropical/451/100 g/Box of 4

Neocate - click on the image below for more information.


Neocate Junior Tropical/451/100 g/Box of 4

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Macaulays 8 Weeks.

He's on special milk now Neocate and doing ALOT better.
Video Rating: 0 / 5

Does anyone have an infant with latex allergy? What foods cross-react?
Hi Blueskin..,

I am really concerned about your baby's allergies and the diagnostic process.
So you have eliminated dairy, beef, foy, chicken, fish, nuts, wheat, and eggs.
Can she eat any thing?

My feeling is that diagnostic process is wrong. When foods are introduced to babies they (all babies) initially burp, throw up, and have partially formed stool because their digestive tracts are immature.

My suggestion is that you wait and let the doctors come to the conclusion that your baby is allergic after you report the symptoms. My fear is that you are making the diagnosis on the baby's "throwing up" etc which are symptoms of an immature gastrointestinal tract and not necessarily the symptoms of allergies. Good luck.Hi- we have a number of food allergies(including anaphyaxis and oral allergy syndrome) in our household. People with latex allergy can often have an oral allergy syndrome and symptoms to the foods you mention-including banana, melons, avocado, kiwi, and chestnuts. Its due to a reaction to the proteins in the foods which is very similar to that in latex. The symptoms normally are confined to the mouth and lips and generally dont cause anaphylaxis
personally i would be steering clear of these things until you can get sound advice from your allergist-there's still plenty of other foods that she can try other than these ones!
The process of working out what a 6 month old is or isn't allergic to can be very difficult when the only exposure to other food they've had is from your breast milk.
As with anything with children predisposed to allergic reactions-whenever you introduce a new food go very slowly-a tiny bit on the lip the first day, a little bit more the next-slow, slowly slowly! and obviously only one new food at a time so you can work out what if anything she is reacting to. this would be especially relevant to the foods known to cross react with latex allergy.
Good luck-although it is scary remember that you are lucky in that you already know that there could be a reaction of some sort-that means you are ready and not caught unawares (I was!). This means you can go very slowly and pick your times when new foods are introduced (eg not on a friday night of a holiday weekend-wont do that again!)-early in the day and perhaps at times when there is a 2nd person around-not always possible I know-but at least you are aware and ready for what ever crops up.
Check with your allergist though-its a shame to restrict children's diets unnecessarily-you allergist knows your child's personal risk better than anyone here.
cheers and good luck

PS forgot to add-we have allergies to barley (anaphylaxis)-similar in structure to wheat, rye-can now eat both without reaction although he did originally have rye grain allergy which has been outgrown.
allergy to peanuts (oas-severe with anaphylaxis) but can get peas, soy etc without problems so it just really depends on the individual.

Orignal From: Neocate Junior Tropical/451/100 g/Box of 4 Reviews

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