Giro Me2 Infant Bike Helmet (Blue Aviator Pigs)
Infant - click on the image below for more information.
- Adjustable bike helmet for infants and toddlers
- Mini-loc fit system with simple strap guides and buckle that won't pinch skin
- 20-vents with built-in bug netting to keep your child's head cool
- Multiple colorful designs; built-in visor
- Fits heads measuring 18.75-to-20.5 inches
The Me2 features thoughtful touches that parents adore and kids appreciate, like simple strap guides, an adjustable fit system and a buckle that won't pinch soft skin. It's the perfect start to a lifelong bond with helmets.
Giro Me2 Infant Bike Helmet (Blue Aviator Pigs)
Click on the button for more Infant information and reviews.
Zutano Baby-Boys Infant Have A Ball Jacket, Sky, 18 Months
Infant - click on the image below for more information.
- Long sleeve
- Interlock cotton
Zutano Baby-Boys Infant Have A Ball Jacket, Sky, 18 Months
Click on the button for more Infant information and reviews.
Lack of health care and poverty cause high infant mortality in Orissa
Nawrangpur, September 10 (ANI): Health conditions have deteriorated in Maoist-affected areas of Orissa, as lack of health care and abject poverty have caused infant mortality rate to rise in the tribal-dominated districts. The health sector in Nawrangpur is in shambles due to the unavailability of doctors. Illiteracy has trapped the district in such a way that these poverty-stricken tribals have no access to health care facilities. Moreover, the rising graph of maternal deaths, mostly expectant mothers, from the tribal community has become a subject of dire concern. The government-aided health service network has failed to live up to its expectations, as the number of deaths depicts the reality.
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Why is it suddenly dangerous to give an infant cold medicine, yet SAFE to pump them full of vaccines?
My guess is that the lawyers just realized this and now you can't use them anymore for fear of lawsuits. I don't usually recommend those meds to children anyway but now the lawyers will get you if you do. In 16+ years of practicing medicine, I've never seen one problem from children and cold medicines although I have seen loads of vaccine problems.I'd rather my child be "pumped full of vaccines" as you so elegantly put it, than to be struck down with polio, measles, mumps, rubella, meningitis, or diphtheria, to name a few!It makes plenty of sense when you consider that if you dont give your child cough medicine they might have a runny nose or hack all night, if you dont give them a vaccine (lets use POLIO in this example), if they 'catch it' it will severely impact their quaility of life -if they even have a life as many of these diseases will KILL your child if your child were to catch themVaccines are used to jump start the immune system to provide defenses against diseases that would have usually ended in the infants death 100 years ago. Cold medicines are man-made chemicals that affect your natural biology in unpredictable ways (similar to drugs). Big difference.I'm not a mom or anything. But I have to say I had to really think about it. good luck and take care.the no cold medicine comes from all the so called parents that cant follow directions and give their children too much meds so they over dose. if people would take more time when doing things and try harder to understand when someone is talking to them, things like this would not happen.They aren't just "now" telling us this, they've been telling us for a while that they don't work, and most doctors have been saying it for ages. Not all vaccines are safe either. Autism is on the rise here, many believe due the the rise in vaccines that are given. I know that all of the children younger than 10 in my family all have some sort of autism, my son has Asperger's, which is a highly functioning form of autism. It seems to be something that is a more genetic situation, affecting families that are predisposed to it.
Neither is safe. I nursed both of my kids until they were a year old, and both of them RARELY get sick. And some basic common sense is all you really need. Water, sleep, cuddling with mom and dad, soft foods. Do for your children what you do for yourself (minus the medication!).I appreciate your frustration with the issue. I share your concern. I guess maybe we should be glad that the FDA did something worthwhile for once.
Orignal From: Giro Me2 Infant Bike Helmet (Blue Aviator Pigs) Reviews
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