Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Essential Baby Organizer: Birth to One Year (The Essential Organizers) 2nd (second) edition Text Only

The Essential Baby Organizer: Birth to One Year (The Essential Organizers) 2nd (second) edition Text Only

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Babys Only Essentials

The Essential Baby Organizer: Birth to One Year (The Essential Organizers) 2nd (second) edition Text Only

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Babys Only Essentials

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A Jemi Story Ep.54 The Baby Is Watching

Demis POV Selena made me feel better, I decided to go back. Ashley:THATS CUZ DEMI IS YOUR WIFE, YOUR MARRIED MAN GOSH! OH GREAT thanks a lot Ashley! I look at Ashley glaring at her appearntly I wasnt the only one everyone in the room except Kevin didnt glare at her. Ashley:What? Joe:*shocked* what? Ashley:oh great Joe:what are you talking about? Demi:*sighs* Joe:I dont have a ring Demi:*goes up to him* thats cuz I have it *holds it up* I always held it whenever I felt bad which was every minute of this day. Joe:*grabs the ring and puts it to his left finger on his left hand* who am I married to? Everyone:*looks at demi pleading with her with their eyes to make Demi tell the truth* Demi:*sighs* I know everyone wants me to tell Joe that hes married to me, but I just cant tell him not yet. Maybe hell remember me in a few days or weeks. Demi:Its better that you dont know for now. Joe:why? Demi:just trust me Joe:*nods* Adam:*sleeping* AN:he slept through everything hes on his car seat next to Kevin who is taking care of him* Demi:*walks over to Adam* did he wake up Kevin:no hes a sound sleeper wonder who he got that from Demi:*smiles* yea *kisses Adams cheek* Adam:*wakes up and yawns* mommmeeee daddeeee Demi:*smiles* hey baby its me your mommy Adam:*looks around searching for Joe* dadddee? Demi: hes over there AN:Joe didnt hear Adam Adam:*reaches for Joe* Demi:*grabs Adam* arent you hungry baby? Adam:*nods* Demi:ok lets get you something to eat first Adam:*reaches for Joe* Joe ...
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Orignal From: The Essential Baby Organizer: Birth to One Year (The Essential Organizers) 2nd (second) edition Text Only

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